Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[341] Project 1 Logo Thumbnails

I chose Tokyo for the 2016 Summer games because it's one the final 4 candidate cities. For my logos I decided to use imagery associated with Tokyo like its fan shape logo, fish, futurisic sleek type, the Tokyo Tower, a leaf from a ginko tree, a wave, and a circle.


  1. I like the second one down on the right with the character I think it's simple and nice. For the fonts I like the third one down on the left and the fourth one down on the right. It looks like font that they would use.

  2. The idea for this is very interesting. I think you should push the design a little bit. the sun and flower symbols for tokyo is a great idea. I think you need explore the symbols more. The type is good feel from kanji like feel to very clean cut and technical. the feel flowing kanji type on the third one on the right looks fun. The flower and sun could be and interesting element if you combined the bottom left logo to the bottom right logo, i am referring the sun symbols and flower symbols. It could be and interesting look and feel for tokyo. You should think about the clean cut nature of tokyo but the organic feel flow nature of the art of japan.

  3. For your fonts, I think that the first column, third down and the second column, fourth one down works best because the other fonts look contemporary or too boring.

    As for the logo designs, the circular designs work best because it relates to the flag of Japan. I like the playfulness of the logo on the first column, fourth one down.

  4. hello!

    the wave in the first one isn't really working. I know your trying to do the traditional japanese wave but it kind of just looks like a blob. Something that you can try doing is give the waves more of a base and instead of only one wave, you can try using 2 or three.

    I like the bottom left one the most. I feel like this is the only one that hasn't been used before. It may work more with the typeface that you hand wrote in third row down, right one.

    I also like the third row down, left one. I think you can make the icon more intergraded with the text.

    The fish one is cool but it may too be complicated. If it is shrunken down then you lose the icon. Maybe just one fish is enough.

    okay that is all. :]

  5. Both sketches that use sleek and futuristic type seem to be the logos the work best. They reflect the the technological advancement of the city. The rising sun circular logo has been over used for Japan, so I think that the abstracted flower is the best combination of a historical/natural and technological feel.

  6. I feeling the bottom 3rd down on left and the last one on the bottom right corner. The rising sun is pretty much the top choice of symbols to represent Japan. When Japan hosted the last Olympics, they used the rising sun with red gradient. In yours, you gave it a little twist by merging both the red sun and rising sun as one symbol. However, the type is to thick and over powering. The bottom right corner one is great. Lotus flower. Just make the flower bigger and more hierarchy on the type.

  7. They all look good but the bottom half stands out most to me. I like what you've done with the rising sun and the font you chose. The typeface compliments the city and the graphic elements very well. =)

  8. I like the last thumbnail on the left and the third one on the right. They are very simple designs, yet interesting with the japanese sun.
