Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[341] Olympics Stationary Round 1

I kept it simple and clean, tried to use the idea of brushstrokes as a graphic element to echo my logo across the stationary.

Does it work? is it weak?


  1. I like how simple it is, but that also may be the problem >.< I think the envelope should also have the same treatment as everything else. Instead of having a box for the address, i think it would be better if you brought the box all the way to the edge. Maybe you want to try and add another element to this. Also, is there suppose to be the address and those kinds of info on the letterhead?

    I think your almost there, just work on it a bit more :]

  2. I agree with Jenny. The simplicity of the logo (which is good) is reflected in your stationary. However when that simplicity is carried over to the letterhead and envelope, they appear to be too plain because of the abundant negative space. Perhaps the strokes can be scatterbrush stokes made from the flower petals in your logo.

  3. Instead of having thin brush strokes, maybe you could have them larger with thicks and thins - like calligraphy.

    For the envelope, maybe you can design the tab of it with the brush strokes and not use it for the addressee.

