Tuesday, February 17, 2009

[446] Near East Rice Pilaf Box Round2

Hey everyone, so I ditched my terrible comp I showed last class. In this version I was trying to play up the 100% natural. So I drew a lot of the elements and used a recycled paper texture.


  1. This is looking a lot better then what you had last thursday. The logo isn't really there yet. Try experimenting with different pens as you write it out a million times. Original seems kind of out of place. Maybe you can place it under Rice Pilaf Mix. Keep working, I like the direction your heading. :]


  2. I like this direction, it has a better feel to it. The recycled paper is a good choice, but I would like to see it combined with something else. The design needs to be punched-up. The black and red are good color choices, but could be used more. Maybe you could use black and red in combination with the recycled paper and this would also give it the punch that it needs. I like the "Near East" handmade type.

  3. I like the direction it is growing. But the brown or brown paper background doesn't seem to be working yet.

  4. I see this going in a very good direction and the thing I appreciate the most about it is the fact that you wrote everything out on your own. That gives it such a natural, heart warming look, and it certainly looks quite appetizing. It almost looks to me that your main logo should be in the same style as you have made "Near East" to look because of its boldness. With that, try adding some color to the logo. That red seems to be functioning quite well overall, and you may even be able to borrow the color on the rice and apply it somehow to the logo as well.

  5. The overall hand drawn style plays up the natural side you are going for. The typographic structure of "Near East" is nearly there. It could potentially benefit from a different stroke style, maybe charcoal pencil. The "100% Natural" works but "Original" seems out of place. The color is fine, I just think the type should be more stylistic.

  6. Big improvement over what you had last week. I really like the recycled paper idea since it is very eco friendly. I still think you need some work on the logo though because right now it doesn't feel much like a logo. Also, the type seems a bit odd with mix right below in between rice pilaf. Very nice work so far.

  7. ok i like it way better than the other one having hand written text it's perfect to covey "natural" products it just needs a bit more clean up work and i suggest still working on the logo i don't feel it's there yet...but great progress!!!!!!


  8. well the design and feeling is synchronize with in the layout. great used of paper texture. the over all design is great and the logo should have a little twitched to it. great illustrated rice nice work

  9. ok this is looking A LOT better than the comp you showed in class..i loved the texture of the recycled paper. you're on the right track to capturing that "natural" feel. one thing, the word "mix" looks really awkard..i'd move its position first of all, then change the font to a standard, clean font. i get where you're trying to go with the logotype, but it needs to be tweaked and cleaned up. i'd also like to see some sort of icon to go with it

  10. wow, lots of progress since last class.
    I love the idea of the kraft paper/cardboard box. definitely helps with the natural feeling you were going for.

    The type needs some work, it looks hand written, which is cool but needs some help with alignment, leading, kerning, etc.

  11. Much better than what you had before... I like the idea of having an illustrated image, but Im not sure if I would have preferred to see the actual rice. I think the type chose for the logo is not quite there yet. The placement is too hight, I believe. Maybe also leave out the the color behind the logo. Overall, much, much better now.

  12. I love the natural look of this. My only concern is the word Original in red. It feels like it becomes more important than everything else on the box because the red stands out a lot. The word mix also looks a bit odd. But overall, the idea of it being natural and being handwritten is very innovative. Keep up the awesomeness. =)

    Sarom R.

  13. Your logo still need work - the "n" looks weird.
    Maybe you can rearrange your rice... a bowl is too generic. How about you have it pouring somewhere or in a spoon...


  14. type needs work
    needs to be thicker. looks too handwritten right now. needs more sophistication, not elegance, try a real brush
