Tuesday, March 3, 2009

[341] Project 2 Sketches

Chose to do Adobe Creative Suite 5. Thumbnails are for photoshop. For #3 each box is supposed to be a different image, a sort of tornado of photoshopped images.


  1. I like number 5. I like the modular feel of it. Its also a bit ambiguous because you don't know what the squares represent. It also seems like the one that goes the most with the logo/icon of PS.

  2. I like no.4 but wondering what's that splash thing? Is that supposed to be something like liguid or?.... No.2 also has the potential to be effective but the idea of eye has been used a lot in the past version of photoshop and photoimpact.

  3. Yes, very tornado-y. I like that idea. So No.2 and 3 work with that concept. I also like the splatter look of No.4. I reminds me of the iPod ads, though.


  4. hmm...I can see that you too are playing with organic shapes and geometric shapes too. I like 4. I feel that its far away from the current designs of Adobe CS. Adobe broke the hatchet with CS3 and CS4, so I think this is a good direction. It also gives CS a new texture. I can see a very realistic, almost photographic depiction of a waxy paint splat. The top row is done already and mainstream. The bottom row is better because is carries off the new geometric direction Adobe is taking. 5 also has some potential. You can give De Stijl a comeback with a contemporary twist.

  5. I like # 4 & 5.
    #4 has an interesting shape to it. It's kind of like ink drop which could be very creative and that's how I can related it to Creative Suite. I think you can work on different variations by adding different colors and gradients.
    And I like the simplicity of #5. :)

  6. I like number 2. I like that how the eye appears in smoke or something. Its top is too space so the drawing may move up alittle.

  7. Number 3 creates a strong focal point but I'm not sure how it would carry over for the other programs. Number 5's modular design could easily shift around to differentiate between programs.

  8. I like #3. But make sure it doesnt end up looking like a question mark when you are digitizing it. I think #2 is the same concept but with other imagery and art work, I think it could work well, but I still think #3 might have my pick. The logo placement for #1 is kind of awkward. The bottom 3 kind of dont scream out photoshop to me. Overall not bad.

    Lucineh :]

  9. I think I like number 5 the best. All the designs are bit hard to see at the moment. I'm curious what the shapes will be and how they will be used in the digital comp. It looks like photoshop.

  10. In sketch #6, I love how you substituted the 5 with roman numeral V; however, it reads like CSV not CS5. Nice thinking though. If only it wasn't bounded by the grid, then you could put the two line on the V (bottom and top).

    My favorite one has to be #3. I like the concept that so much can fit into a little box, which is the photoshop icon.

    Good job so far. Yay!

  11. Numbers 2 and 3 seem to be the best ideas to me. Be careful you don't have too much negative space. Also, it seems a bit dull with everything centered on the box. Maybe try moving the content over to the side or something.

  12. These are all interesting concepts but numbers 1,3, and 6 stands out most. Number 1 has an appealing look. The letters CS5 appears to be floating which could be interesting. The Adobe logo could possibly look better if it was written out and the icon be placed on the side of the package instead.

    With number 3, the whole idea on the photoshop images being whirled into a tornado has a great concept because it represents photoshop so well.

    Number 6 is just visually appealing. It stands out the most and by cutting off the type at the bottom makes it more unique but at the same time it is almost difficult to recognize what it says. If CS5 were to be brought up just a tad bit, it would make it easier to identify.

  13. i like all of them but i like numbers 3 and 4 the best. i think 4 could be really interesting with some color, and very eyecatching
