Monday, March 16, 2009

[341] Box Comps R2 and AD Concept Sketches

Hopefully my concept for the covers is a bit clearer now.

As for my ad concepts here they are:

#1 is a lcd monitor with photoshop on the screen placed on an easel like a canvas would be.

#2 is a mouse with a paintbrush tip instead of a USB connector with the covers on the right

#3 is a gallery wall and the software covers are the "paintings" the captions underneath list the artist as adobe, the program as the title, 2010 as the year.

#4 is like a Jackson Pollock painting, I'm going to use pixelated and vector paint splatters, like #3 the caption below the painting has Adobe as the the artist, "CS5" as the title, and 2010 for the year.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.


  1. I like the first one. I feel this proves we are artists. "Make art without the mess" is genius. Maybe also "no cleaning involved."
    Please do #1!

  2. i think you're last one will turn out the coolest and most good ad material

  3. #3 and #4
    look at the comment I wrote for J. ditto to you. great that you are thinking about concepts!

    #4 would be interesting to see.

  4. forgot about commenting on the package:
    my only thing to think about is the idea of paint... photoshop makes sense as it is a painting program. but AI and IND are page layout and the idea of painting or splattering isnt necessary thought of with these two. So what can we do to remedy that?

  5. #4 seems the most interesting to me. I would like to see how you work it out. Maybe using the colors from your 3 package designs in the paint splatters to bring it all together?

  6. The splash effect looks attractive but you used this same idea on all of your 3 products. I'm not sure that's a good way because they all have different purposes. The colors look great, the design should have some varieties.
