Sunday, March 8, 2009

[341] Photoshop Covers, Round 1

Click to Enlarge to see the on purpose pixelization

Went with the ink splatter idea because I thought of a better way to carry the concept over to the other programs in the suite. For Photoshop it's pixelated on purpose because photoshop is based on pixels. On my illustrator cover I'm going to make the splatter a clean vector shape and for InDesign I'm going to have multiple splatter to convey the multi page idea.

So far I think #1 is the best idea, I like the simple splatter better.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance


  1. I think the whole concept is great for #1. The idea behind it is clever.

    So far, the splatter feels a bit too large, maybe you can size it down a bit. The Photoshop logo seems like it was placed at random. Instead, maybe you can try putting it where the Adobe Logo is at the bottom right corner and move the Adobe logo to the side of the box. It might work, it might not. =)

    Overall, it looks good so far.

  2. I like the pixelated idea, but I think you need to make it more clear and on purpose. It still looks a little like you pixelated by accident. maybe have a few lighter blue pixels on the edges. I also think you can design another icon for Ps, Ai, Id, etc. You can have them pixelated too. And the adobe photoshop cs5 logo feels a little off balance. Its not in the middle and too much space on the top. I actually like the middle one, it has more flow. great job though.

  3. I like #1 and #2 the most. But between the 2, I think #1 has some sort of uniqueness to it which makes it stand out more. So, I say #1. I like the pixelated idea. Maybe make the circle a bit smaller and have more of the separated pixels around it? Maybe bring the pixels gradually out of the circle? I like the placement of the logo. I like the white background. It's very contemporary and I think that's a good design for 2010. Well Done.

  4. I like the first one but i think you can exaggerate the shape of the splat a bit more. (not to the extent of the other two, but just a little bit more.) the square shape of the box around PS doesn't fit. Maybe you can incorporated a more softer shape.

  5. I like how you're going to make each other fit. Like having photoshop in pixels, its clever. I do like the first one best just the cleanness and simpleness. The other ones look messy as you said. I think maybe adding another color would be cool and its just a lot of blue at the moment.


  6. I like the concept and the simplicity of your design. The pixel idea is interesting and definitely challenging to execute. My concern is that there may be a chance for some people to misunderstand the purpose of the pixels. There is a possibility that they can look at it as a mistake. I wish that there was something you could do to make it look like it is part of you design.

  7. i like your pixelated idea alot. i think its cool, but for someone reason number 2 is more appealing to me. maybe because im just used to their packaging being so crisp and sharp..but hey it's a Redesign so it would definitely work.=)

  8. I really like 1 and 2 but 1 is the best. I thin you can add something else or design the pixels a different way or just try other ideas, because you might come up with something better.

  9. all work. but i would like to see variants. what texture are you going to use, what color, and what positioning of type and logo for the other programs. you explained, but now lets see. that will make a big difference in how I perceive this branding treatment.
    very good overall. pixels can be finer. more dots per inch

  10. they are all good something about how the "ps" pop on number 2 is nice. maybe try concept 1 in the style of 2. might not work but worth a shot.
