Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Panel Discussion Thoughts

Panel discussion was a great experience, I really enjoyed Max's presentation because he told it like it was, completely honest, the good, bad and the ugly i.e. working on crap, client driven creative, not breakthrough cutting edge design but it satisfies clients, doing freelance just to work on something else, not being good at design for the first months or whatever because of nervousness and the change in environment. That last point made me feel a lot better because I've interned at Illusion Factory for almost a month now and I freeze up when I'm trying to come up with concepts for whatever they need additional comps for. I'm still trying to think and work faster but I haven't found it yet.

Theresa had a really crazy awesome comp for the Quantum of Solace DVD, where the package had a pistol printed on it, and the way you hold it, it looks like your carrying the gun. It sucked that the design didn't get picked because of budget but it was comforting to know that at least she was able to create and present it. It makes me wonder how many other insane concepts never get produced.

Overall it was comforting to know that a couple CSUN graduates made it professionally, because when I graduate in May I really don't know what's going to happen but I know that I really have step up.

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