Thursday, March 12, 2009

[446] Project 2 Thumbnails/Concepts

So I decided to name my high end sub brand of La Bella hair styling products, Kontrol or Control depending on which logo I go with. I nmed it this because hair styling products are supposed to give you the ability to create and control a hair style.

Here are a couple logo thumbnails:

I was trying to fuse spikes with letter form on 1 and 2, 3 was more of a sort of signature style letterform.

Here as some possible structures that I would alter using paint and make labels using clear acetate sheets or decal paper.

And lastly some design layouts on these possible structures:

If I use the C spikey logo I was thinking of making the packages have this intense gritty urban feel. For the K logo I wanted to go clean, minimal, and sort of futuristic.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.


  1. I think the first logo is most sucessful, it has personality and really represents the brand. The spray paint canister will be an awesome container to work with. I think your # 4 and 5 for shampoo don't really fit the feel though. I could actally see the got2be gel container making a cool shampoo container.

  2. i like the #2 logo and it looks like your going with that one. its simple and communicates the idea of spiky/stylized hair. all your packaging items could work you just have to figure out how to toe them together. i like #3 the vos water looking bottle, looks high end and clean.

  3. I like your idea of the urban gritty feel. So I would focus on logo #1 "C" and this would be great in a Paint spray can (like taggers and graffiti). So that leads me to the layout on the structure #6, the graffiti looking one. Cool Idea!

  4. Logo #2 has a nice contemporary appearance and would have the most longevity as a brand. I know that you are trying to convey the stylizing ability of the product, but the type treatment feels unruly and not in "Kontrol". Try the same character style but in a more upright and evenly kerned arrangement.

  5. The hairspray in the spray can is workin'. Your No.2 logo looks flexible with your brand. I don't think that No.1 logo would appeal to most people because it has too many spikes... I don't about your shampoo sketches, what's underneath the cap?


  6. Second logo is nice... first or fifth design and container looks good as well. My favorite is 5th package, but i dont know if it works as hair styling product. Maybe if you put it up-side-down (how joe was explaining about conditioner).

  7. For the logos, #1 and #2 has a distinct and unique shape to it. Either one could work well on structures #1 and #5.

    Sarom R.

  8. I like logo 2 and structure 5. very simple and clean. nice. how does this bottle open?

  9. i like 1 for 1 structure and then 2 for 5 structure. the first style shows the logo styled hair. the 5 packaging is very intriguing design i would like to see it color next time. overall great design

  10. i really like the new punk look to the logo!i really like logo number one to be honest i could see that logo and "style" on all of your package examples! good job!

  11. I like logos 1 and 2. Number 1 really gives off that rocker look with the big spikey hairs. Only problem with that would be that it might turn people off thinking that the gel is too hardcore rock for them. I think logo 2 will work best and layout 5 has a very clean sophisticated look.

  12. I think the top design (k logo ) is working out the best, even though I'd prefer to see it spelled with a C. but I understand the letter K is more interesting than a C.

    I like the package structure on the second set of sketches
