Saturday, February 7, 2009


First off Congratulations to Kim for winning the scholarship for her really cool history of the fancy goldfish piece.

General Observations:
It was cool how the pieces weren't grouped by school. I was amazed at how strong the work from the Cal States were, and really disappointed with the work from Art Center, nothing from art center was really memorable. They did however have some pieces that were printed using letterpress and silkscreen, something I wish we could do at CSUN. One thing that I though was strange was there was a lot of what I would consider art and not graphic design on display, some pieces didn't have any type at all, pure image(s). I mean there were two photo series, though interesting photos, they felt out of place.

I really liked the posters of original typefaces. I wish I brought a camera, there was this one huge quilt that showed each letter A through Z on it's own patch that was really neat. Another typeface, I guess called "Push" was made of thread that looked really cool. The designer made a logotype with it and applied to this awesome clear business card.

There was this cool water bottle package design called Reyoose, the label had a clever way of reusing the bottle, like one showed a drawing of turning the bottle into this toy called skip it, I thought that was a clever brand idea for bottled water.

I was part of the show, I stood near my piece for a while just to see what's reactions to my work
was. I heard some guy said it was "tight". I ran into Magdy, and he said someone took a picture of it. I felt pretty honored just to be a part of the show, I didn't even I would get picked, I just submitted work in for the hell of it. I would strongly recommend you guys submit work if they hold a show like this again next year. I think CSUN's design program has a lot of great work coming out of it.

Here's my piece for those who couldn't make it:

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Paul :3

    The quilt was really cool and I loved the push typeface I took a picture of it, its right here

    And yah the screen printed things really stood out I thought.

