Wednesday, April 29, 2009

[446] Project 3 The Office Season 5

Sorry for being late, feedback is appreciated, I'll add more images to this post as I finish them.

I'm doing season 5 of the TV show The Office. My idea is make a small box of paper than contains 3 "reams of papers" each holds 1 disc. So far here is the cover of the box and the golden ticket promo piece that alerts the consumer that they didn't really buy a box of paper. The golden ticket comes from an episode in season 5 where Steve Carrell slips golden tickets in boxes of paper as coupons for 10% off the next order of paper.

Monday, April 27, 2009

[341] Project 3 Progress and Imagery


For my final project I'm doing a haiku book, it's not really haiku though, the poems don't follow traditional subject matter nor are they in Japanese, but they do have the 3 line 5, 7, 5 syllable structure. My 2008 New Year's Resolution was to write a haiku a day, sadly I didn't but I ended up with a little over 200. I picked around 20 for this project, which I will play with typography and accompany each haiku with my own imagery, except for one poem. The haikus are mostly random thoughts I was having at the time but some are specific events. I plan on binding my book the same way Joe bound his personal annual report.

Here are 3 rough spreads:

Here is a collage of some of the imagery I'm going to use:

What do you guys think?

Thanks in advance.


Tuesday, March 24, 2009

[341] Box inner flap sketches/AD progress

For my inner flap ideas, I want to have the copy lines mimic the paint/ink splatter idea by placing them at various angles. This also gives movement and energy to the layout.

For my ad, chose to do #4, here's what it looks like so far, the box covers are FPO, I haven't finalized them yet.

Monday, March 16, 2009

[341] Box Comps R2 and AD Concept Sketches

Hopefully my concept for the covers is a bit clearer now.

As for my ad concepts here they are:

#1 is a lcd monitor with photoshop on the screen placed on an easel like a canvas would be.

#2 is a mouse with a paintbrush tip instead of a USB connector with the covers on the right

#3 is a gallery wall and the software covers are the "paintings" the captions underneath list the artist as adobe, the program as the title, 2010 as the year.

#4 is like a Jackson Pollock painting, I'm going to use pixelated and vector paint splatters, like #3 the caption below the painting has Adobe as the the artist, "CS5" as the title, and 2010 for the year.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

[446] Project 2 Thumbnails/Concepts

So I decided to name my high end sub brand of La Bella hair styling products, Kontrol or Control depending on which logo I go with. I nmed it this because hair styling products are supposed to give you the ability to create and control a hair style.

Here are a couple logo thumbnails:

I was trying to fuse spikes with letter form on 1 and 2, 3 was more of a sort of signature style letterform.

Here as some possible structures that I would alter using paint and make labels using clear acetate sheets or decal paper.

And lastly some design layouts on these possible structures:

If I use the C spikey logo I was thinking of making the packages have this intense gritty urban feel. For the K logo I wanted to go clean, minimal, and sort of futuristic.

Feedback is greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

[341] Photoshop Covers, Round 1

Click to Enlarge to see the on purpose pixelization

Went with the ink splatter idea because I thought of a better way to carry the concept over to the other programs in the suite. For Photoshop it's pixelated on purpose because photoshop is based on pixels. On my illustrator cover I'm going to make the splatter a clean vector shape and for InDesign I'm going to have multiple splatter to convey the multi page idea.

So far I think #1 is the best idea, I like the simple splatter better.

What do you guys think? Thanks in advance

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Panel Discussion Thoughts

Panel discussion was a great experience, I really enjoyed Max's presentation because he told it like it was, completely honest, the good, bad and the ugly i.e. working on crap, client driven creative, not breakthrough cutting edge design but it satisfies clients, doing freelance just to work on something else, not being good at design for the first months or whatever because of nervousness and the change in environment. That last point made me feel a lot better because I've interned at Illusion Factory for almost a month now and I freeze up when I'm trying to come up with concepts for whatever they need additional comps for. I'm still trying to think and work faster but I haven't found it yet.

Theresa had a really crazy awesome comp for the Quantum of Solace DVD, where the package had a pistol printed on it, and the way you hold it, it looks like your carrying the gun. It sucked that the design didn't get picked because of budget but it was comforting to know that at least she was able to create and present it. It makes me wonder how many other insane concepts never get produced.

Overall it was comforting to know that a couple CSUN graduates made it professionally, because when I graduate in May I really don't know what's going to happen but I know that I really have step up.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

[341] Project 2 Sketches

Chose to do Adobe Creative Suite 5. Thumbnails are for photoshop. For #3 each box is supposed to be a different image, a sort of tornado of photoshopped images.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

[446] Near East Rice Pilaf Box Round2

Hey everyone, so I ditched my terrible comp I showed last class. In this version I was trying to play up the 100% natural. So I drew a lot of the elements and used a recycled paper texture.

Monday, February 16, 2009

[341] Billboard/Buswrap R1, Stationary R2

Hey class, here's my comps, feedback is very appreciated. I completely threw away the brush stroke idea for my stationary and just used my icon as a graphic element, I was thinking of cherry blossoms blowing in the wind. Thanks Nick for the scatter brush idea, I sort of messed with it, but I had more control just placing the icons manually.


Tuesday, February 10, 2009

[341] Olympics Stationary Round 1

I kept it simple and clean, tried to use the idea of brushstrokes as a graphic element to echo my logo across the stationary.

Does it work? is it weak?

Saturday, February 7, 2009


First off Congratulations to Kim for winning the scholarship for her really cool history of the fancy goldfish piece.

General Observations:
It was cool how the pieces weren't grouped by school. I was amazed at how strong the work from the Cal States were, and really disappointed with the work from Art Center, nothing from art center was really memorable. They did however have some pieces that were printed using letterpress and silkscreen, something I wish we could do at CSUN. One thing that I though was strange was there was a lot of what I would consider art and not graphic design on display, some pieces didn't have any type at all, pure image(s). I mean there were two photo series, though interesting photos, they felt out of place.

I really liked the posters of original typefaces. I wish I brought a camera, there was this one huge quilt that showed each letter A through Z on it's own patch that was really neat. Another typeface, I guess called "Push" was made of thread that looked really cool. The designer made a logotype with it and applied to this awesome clear business card.

There was this cool water bottle package design called Reyoose, the label had a clever way of reusing the bottle, like one showed a drawing of turning the bottle into this toy called skip it, I thought that was a clever brand idea for bottled water.

I was part of the show, I stood near my piece for a while just to see what's reactions to my work
was. I heard some guy said it was "tight". I ran into Magdy, and he said someone took a picture of it. I felt pretty honored just to be a part of the show, I didn't even I would get picked, I just submitted work in for the hell of it. I would strongly recommend you guys submit work if they hold a show like this again next year. I think CSUN's design program has a lot of great work coming out of it.

Here's my piece for those who couldn't make it:

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

[343] Olympic Logos, Round 1

I'm not sure if I should go with the brush style or the clean style. Thoughts por favor.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

[341] Project 1 Logo Thumbnails

I chose Tokyo for the 2016 Summer games because it's one the final 4 candidate cities. For my logos I decided to use imagery associated with Tokyo like its fan shape logo, fish, futurisic sleek type, the Tokyo Tower, a leaf from a ginko tree, a wave, and a circle.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

[ART 341] Michael McDonough's Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School

Hey people, I found this article on a Graphic Design Blog: Design Observer Michael Beirut(the dude in the Helvetica movie who talks about Coke ads, "DRINK COKE PERIOD!") reposted this article by Michael McDonough

Michael McDonough's Top Ten Things They Never Taught Me in Design School

I felt that it was pretty interesting and useful especially 6. Do Not Forget Your Goal, too often I'd stray from the original goal on school projects just because I didn't know how to approach it properly.

What do you guys/gals think?

Monday, January 26, 2009

[ART446] 3 Bad / 3 Good Packaging

The Bad

1. Hammermill Premium multipurpose 8.5x11 paper packaging

It's bad because it's made out of cheap plastic so once you open it and start taking paper out, it loses it's form so it does not do a very good job of protecting the remaining sheets.

2. Head and Shoulders shampoo

It's bad because it's bulky/wide with an odd shape so it makes it weird to grab and more prone to slipping out of your hand when your in the shower. Also the shampoo flows out too fast without even squeezing the bottle.

3. Prismacolor Nupastel

It's bad because the top cover falls off easily and the pastel sticks are difficult to individually take out.

The Good

1. Linkin Park - Minutes to Midnight Special Edition CD/DVD

It's good because it gives the album percieved value. It looks like a book on the outside, on the inside front cover it houses the cd, the inside back cover houses a making of DVD. Then there's the album booklet containing the liner notes and photos. It's very different from traditional cd packaging.

2. Ocean Spray Craisins

It's good because the front has a clear section where you get to see what's inside the bag, and it has this easy open/close zipper that makes it a lot quicker to open and close the bag, and at the same time makes it easier to make a complete seal for freshness.

3. Crest Pro Health mouthwash

It's good because the Cap also serves as a cup to hold the mouthwash when you use it. Also the bottle though big is easy to grip and hold thanks to smaller sides with ridges.